Share SHARE Pride: Support Your Contract Negotiating Team


The SHARE Negotiating Team encourages you to visit a “tabling” event on your campus. At the Table, you can find badge reels, posters, and other materials to help you show pride in the work that you do as a SHARE member. Members of the negotiating team will also be on hand to talk about the current Contract Negotiations, and answer any questions you may have.

We have currently scheduled the following Tables:

  • UNIVERSITY CAMPUS — Tuesday, 11/27, 11:30a-1:30p (in the Prescription Center hallway, near the cafeteria)

  • MEMORIAL CAMPUS — Thursday, 12/6, 11:30a-1:30p (across from the cafeteria, near the auditorium)

If you would like to have a Table event scheduled on your campus, or would like a member of the SHARE organizing staff to visit your department with a negotiations update, please call the SHARE office (508-929-4020) and let us know.

Sticking together and sharing our stories keeps our union strong. See you there!