2015 SHARE NOMINATIONS OPEN September 16th - October 1st.

All SHARE members should receive a postcard at home announcing that the 2015 nominations are open for SHARE Representatives and SHARE Executive Board.

The strength of our union lies in the active participation of it's members! 
There are lots of ways to participate: coming to union meetings, giving your input, reading the blog, keeping in touch with coworkers, signing petitions, asking questions, etc. 

SHARE Area Representatives (or Reps) are members who volunteer to help with communication - making sure that every SHARE member knows someone who is active with the union. Reps are elected for one-year terms, but can serve multiple terms. Ideally there would be at least one Rep in every department or area. As a minimum, we will elect one union Rep for every 50 SHARE members, to keep people connected in their area. The positions are: 5 for the main campus; 3 for South Street; 2 for CCU; 1 for all offsite locations together. Extra volunteers are always welcome.

SHARE Executive Board Members (or E-Board Members) have responsibility for the whole union.  Executive Board Members participate in contract negotiations when they are happening, and make decisions about the direction of our union. This year four Executive Board Members will be elected for 2-year terms: President; Secretary and two at-large Executive Board members.

To run for Rep or E-Board Member you must be nominated in writing, either by a co-worker or by yourself.  You must also have been a dues-paying SHARE member for at least the last 6 months. Nominations open Wednesday, September 16, 2015 and all nominations must arrive at the SHARE office by noon Thursday, October 1st, 2015.

Nominations should include:

  • the name, department and phone number of the person you are nominating,
  • the position for which you are nominating them, and 
  • your name and phone number.  

You may send an email to share.elections@theshareunion.org or fax nominations to the SHARE office at 508-929-4040, but it is a good idea to call to confirm that your nomination arrived. The phone number at the SHARE office is 508-929-4020.

After the close of the nomination period, all nominees will be given the opportunity to decline the nomination.  If they do not decline, their name goes on the ballot. If there are more candidates than positions, we will hold an election on Wednesday, October 28 2015; times and locations for voting will be mailed to all SHARE members.

If you want to talk about what it would be like to be a SHARE Rep or to be on the Executive Board, or if you have questions, please call the SHARE office (508-929-4020) or talk to someone you know who is involved with SHARE.