Help Keep Your Union Strong

Hi blog reader!

We really appreciate that you’re keeping tabs on your union’s news. There are now a few hundred subscribers to the SHARE blog . . . not to mention all of our unsubscribed readers. Thank you!
Never have our connections to one another been more important than now. Our unions have grown to include over 3,200 members. If you’re a faithful blog reader, or have been around our union for a bit, you know that person-to-person conversations make our union strong. That's a lot of conversations.

This Thursday, we’re hosting our first big event to celebrate SHARE’s 20 Year Anniversary. Throughout the year, we’ll be celebrating on all of the campuses, and we want to kickstart things right. We encourage everyone who can to come out to this one. Every member deserves to have a meaningful connection to their union, and we would love your help.

Here are a few things you can do now . . .

Ten Easy Things You Can Do this Week to Help Keep SHARE Strong

  1. Come to our keystone event, the 20th Anniversary Celebration, on September 21st.
  2. Bring a plate of finger foods to that party.
  3. Email a photo of yourself, along with a quote about what SHARE means to you, to
  4. Print a flyer or three, and post them in your area.
  5. Hand out postcard invitations to friends and co-workers (ask your SHARE organizer for some, or contact the SHARE office: 508-929-4020).
  6. Help plan to celebrate on your campus . . . contact your SHARE organizer for details.
  7. Subscribe to the SHARE blog.
  8. Warm up your voices and be ready to sing.
  9. Ask your co-workers to do any of the above!